This is the complete list of members for ThingType, including all inherited members.
add_ref() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
asLuaObject() | LuaObject | inline |
blockProjectile() | ThingType | inline |
callLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
callLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
connectLuaField(const std::string &field, const std::function< T > &f, bool pushFront=false) | LuaObject | |
const_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
dec_ref() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
draw(const Point &dest, float scaleFactor, int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase, LightView *lightView=nullptr) | ThingType | |
dynamic_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
exportImage(std::string fileName) | ThingType | |
getAnimationPhases() | ThingType | inline |
getAnimator() | ThingType | inline |
getCategory() | ThingType | inline |
getClassName() | LuaObject | |
getClothSlot() | ThingType | inline |
getDisplacement() | ThingType | inline |
getDisplacementX() | ThingType | inline |
getDisplacementY() | ThingType | inline |
getElevation() | ThingType | inline |
getExactSize(int layer=0, int xPattern=0, int yPattern=0, int zPattern=0, int animationPhase=0) | ThingType | |
getGroundSpeed() | ThingType | inline |
getHeight() | ThingType | inline |
getId() | ThingType | inline |
getLayers() | ThingType | inline |
getLensHelp() | ThingType | inline |
getLight() | ThingType | inline |
getLuaField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
getMarketData() | ThingType | inline |
getMaxTextLength() | ThingType | inline |
getMinimapColor() | ThingType | inline |
getNumPatternX() | ThingType | inline |
getNumPatternY() | ThingType | inline |
getNumPatternZ() | ThingType | inline |
getOpacity() | ThingType | inline |
getRealSize() | ThingType | inline |
getSize() | ThingType | inline |
getSprites() | ThingType | inline |
getUseCount() | LuaObject | |
getWidth() | ThingType | inline |
hasAttr(ThingAttr attr) | ThingType | inline |
hasDisplacement() | ThingType | inline |
hasElevation() | ThingType | inline |
hasLensHelp() | ThingType | inline |
hasLight() | ThingType | inline |
hasLuaField(const std::string &field) | LuaObject | |
hasMiniMapColor() | ThingType | inline |
isAnimateAlways() | ThingType | inline |
isChargeable() | ThingType | inline |
isCloth() | ThingType | inline |
isContainer() | ThingType | inline |
isDontHide() | ThingType | inline |
isFluidContainer() | ThingType | inline |
isForceUse() | ThingType | inline |
isFullGround() | ThingType | inline |
isGround() | ThingType | inline |
isGroundBorder() | ThingType | inline |
isHangable() | ThingType | inline |
isHookEast() | ThingType | inline |
isHookSouth() | ThingType | inline |
isIgnoreLook() | ThingType | inline |
isLyingCorpse() | ThingType | inline |
isMarketable() | ThingType | inline |
isMultiUse() | ThingType | inline |
isNotMoveable() | ThingType | inline |
isNotPathable() | ThingType | inline |
isNotPreWalkable() | ThingType | inline |
isNotWalkable() | ThingType | inline |
isNull() | ThingType | inline |
isOnBottom() | ThingType | inline |
isOnTop() | ThingType | inline |
isPickupable() | ThingType | inline |
isRotateable() | ThingType | inline |
isSplash() | ThingType | inline |
isStackable() | ThingType | inline |
isTopEffect() | ThingType | inline |
isTranslucent() | ThingType | inline |
isUnwrapable() | ThingType | inline |
isUsable() | ThingType | inline |
isWrapable() | ThingType | inline |
isWritable() | ThingType | inline |
isWritableOnce() | ThingType | inline |
luaCallLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
luaGetField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
luaGetFieldsTable() | LuaObject | |
luaGetMetatable() | LuaObject | |
LuaObject() | LuaObject | |
luaSetField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
operator=(const LuaObject &) | LuaObject | inline |
ref_count() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
releaseLuaFieldsTable() | LuaObject | |
serialize(const FileStreamPtr &fin) | ThingType | |
setLuaField(const std::string &key, const T &value) | LuaObject | |
setPathable(bool var) | ThingType | |
shared_object() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
static_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
ThingType() | ThingType | |
unserialize(uint16 clientId, ThingCategory category, const FileStreamPtr &fin) | ThingType | |
unserializeOtml(const OTMLNodePtr &node) | ThingType | |
~LuaObject() | LuaObject | virtual |
~shared_object() | stdext::shared_object | inlinevirtual |