This is the complete list of members for ProtocolGame, including all inherited members.
add_ref() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
addPosition(const OutputMessagePtr &msg, const Position &position) | ProtocolGame | |
asLuaObject() | LuaObject | inline |
asProtocol() | Protocol | inline |
callLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
callLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
connect(const std::string &host, uint16 port) | Protocol | |
connectLuaField(const std::string &field, const std::function< T > &f, bool pushFront=false) | LuaObject | |
const_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
dec_ref() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
disconnect() | Protocol | |
dynamic_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
enableChecksum() | Protocol | inline |
enableXteaEncryption() | Protocol | inline |
Game class | ProtocolGame | friend |
generateXteaKey() | Protocol | |
getClassName() | LuaObject | |
getConnection() | Protocol | inline |
getCreature(const InputMessagePtr &msg, int type=0) | ProtocolGame | |
getElapsedTicksSinceLastRead() | Protocol | inline |
getItem(const InputMessagePtr &msg, int id=0) | ProtocolGame | |
getLuaField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
getMappedThing(const InputMessagePtr &msg) | ProtocolGame | |
getOutfit(const InputMessagePtr &msg) | ProtocolGame | |
getPosition(const InputMessagePtr &msg) | ProtocolGame | |
getStaticText(const InputMessagePtr &msg, int type=0) | ProtocolGame | |
getThing(const InputMessagePtr &msg) | ProtocolGame | |
getUseCount() | LuaObject | |
getXteaKey() | Protocol | |
hasLuaField(const std::string &field) | LuaObject | |
isConnected() | Protocol | |
isConnecting() | Protocol | |
login(const std::string &accountName, const std::string &accountPassword, const std::string &host, uint16 port, const std::string &characterName, const std::string &authenticatorToken, const std::string &sessionKey) | ProtocolGame | |
luaCallLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
luaGetField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
luaGetFieldsTable() | LuaObject | |
luaGetMetatable() | LuaObject | |
LuaObject() | LuaObject | |
luaSetField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
m_xteaKey | Protocol | protected |
onConnect() | ProtocolGame | protectedvirtual |
onError(const boost::system::error_code &error) | ProtocolGame | protectedvirtual |
onRecv(const InputMessagePtr &inputMessage) | ProtocolGame | protectedvirtual |
operator=(const LuaObject &) | LuaObject | inline |
Protocol() | Protocol | |
recv() | Protocol | virtual |
ref_count() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
releaseLuaFieldsTable() | LuaObject | |
send(const OutputMessagePtr &outputMessage) | ProtocolGame | virtual |
sendAcceptTrade() | ProtocolGame | |
sendAddVip(const std::string &name) | ProtocolGame | |
sendAnswerModalDialog(uint32 dialog, int button, int choice) | ProtocolGame | |
sendAttack(uint creatureId, uint seq) | ProtocolGame | |
sendAutoWalk(const std::vector< Otc::Direction > &path) | ProtocolGame | |
sendBrowseField(const Position &position) | ProtocolGame | |
sendBugReport(const std::string &comment) | ProtocolGame | |
sendBuyItem(int itemId, int subType, int amount, bool ignoreCapacity, bool buyWithBackpack) | ProtocolGame | |
sendBuyStoreOffer(int offerId, int productType, const std::string &name) | ProtocolGame | |
sendCancelAttackAndFollow() | ProtocolGame | |
sendCancelRuleViolation() | ProtocolGame | |
sendChangeFightModes(Otc::FightModes fightMode, Otc::ChaseModes chaseMode, bool safeFight, Otc::PVPModes pvpMode) | ProtocolGame | |
sendChangeMapAwareRange(int xrange, int yrange) | ProtocolGame | |
sendChangeOutfit(const Outfit &outfit) | ProtocolGame | |
sendCloseContainer(int containerId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendCloseNpcChannel() | ProtocolGame | |
sendCloseNpcTrade() | ProtocolGame | |
sendCloseRuleViolation(const std::string &reporter) | ProtocolGame | |
sendDebugReport(const std::string &a, const std::string &b, const std::string &c, const std::string &d) | ProtocolGame | |
sendEditList(uint id, int doorId, const std::string &text) | ProtocolGame | |
sendEditText(uint id, const std::string &text) | ProtocolGame | |
sendEditVip(uint playerId, const std::string &description, int iconId, bool notifyLogin) | ProtocolGame | |
sendEnterGame() | ProtocolGame | |
sendEquipItem(int itemId, int countOrSubType) | ProtocolGame | |
sendExcludeFromOwnChannel(const std::string &name) | ProtocolGame | |
sendExtendedOpcode(uint8 opcode, const std::string &buffer) | ProtocolGame | |
sendFollow(uint creatureId, uint seq) | ProtocolGame | |
sendInspectNpcTrade(int itemId, int count) | ProtocolGame | |
sendInspectTrade(bool counterOffer, int index) | ProtocolGame | |
sendInviteToOwnChannel(const std::string &name) | ProtocolGame | |
sendInviteToParty(uint creatureId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendJoinChannel(int channelId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendJoinParty(uint creatureId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendLeaveChannel(int channelId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendLeaveParty() | ProtocolGame | |
sendLoginPacket(uint challengeTimestamp, uint8 challengeRandom) | ProtocolGame | |
sendLogout() | ProtocolGame | |
sendLook(const Position &position, int thingId, int stackpos) | ProtocolGame | |
sendLookCreature(uint creatureId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendMountStatus(bool mount) | ProtocolGame | |
sendMove(const Position &fromPos, int thingId, int stackpos, const Position &toPos, int count) | ProtocolGame | |
sendNewNewRuleViolation(int reason, int action, const std::string &characterName, const std::string &comment, const std::string &translation) | ProtocolGame | |
sendOpenOwnChannel() | ProtocolGame | |
sendOpenPrivateChannel(const std::string &receiver) | ProtocolGame | |
sendOpenRuleViolation(const std::string &reporter) | ProtocolGame | |
sendOpenStore(int serviceType, const std::string &category) | ProtocolGame | |
sendOpenTransactionHistory(int entriesPerPage) | ProtocolGame | |
sendPassLeadership(uint creatureId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendPing() | ProtocolGame | |
sendPingBack() | ProtocolGame | |
sendRefreshContainer(int containerId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRejectTrade() | ProtocolGame | |
sendRemoveVip(uint playerId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRequestChannels() | ProtocolGame | |
sendRequestItemInfo(int itemId, int subType, int index) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRequestOutfit() | ProtocolGame | |
sendRequestQuestLine(int questId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRequestQuestLog() | ProtocolGame | |
sendRequestStoreOffers(const std::string &categoryName, int serviceType) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRequestTrade(const Position &pos, int thingId, int stackpos, uint creatureId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRequestTransactionHistory(int page, int entriesPerPage) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRevokeInvitation(uint creatureId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRotateItem(const Position &pos, int thingId, int stackpos) | ProtocolGame | |
sendRuleViolation(const std::string &target, int reason, int action, const std::string &comment, const std::string &statement, int statementId, bool ipBanishment) | ProtocolGame | |
sendSeekInContainer(int cid, int index) | ProtocolGame | |
sendSellItem(int itemId, int subType, int amount, bool ignoreEquipped) | ProtocolGame | |
sendShareExperience(bool active) | ProtocolGame | |
sendStop() | ProtocolGame | |
sendTalk(Otc::MessageMode mode, int channelId, const std::string &receiver, const std::string &message) | ProtocolGame | |
sendTransferCoins(const std::string &recipient, int amount) | ProtocolGame | |
sendTurnEast() | ProtocolGame | |
sendTurnNorth() | ProtocolGame | |
sendTurnSouth() | ProtocolGame | |
sendTurnWest() | ProtocolGame | |
sendUpContainer(int containerId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendUseItem(const Position &position, int itemId, int stackpos, int index) | ProtocolGame | |
sendUseItemWith(const Position &fromPos, int itemId, int fromStackPos, const Position &toPos, int toThingId, int toStackPos) | ProtocolGame | |
sendUseOnCreature(const Position &pos, int thingId, int stackpos, uint creatureId) | ProtocolGame | |
sendWalkEast() | ProtocolGame | |
sendWalkNorth() | ProtocolGame | |
sendWalkNorthEast() | ProtocolGame | |
sendWalkNorthWest() | ProtocolGame | |
sendWalkSouth() | ProtocolGame | |
sendWalkSouthEast() | ProtocolGame | |
sendWalkSouthWest() | ProtocolGame | |
sendWalkWest() | ProtocolGame | |
setConnection(const ConnectionPtr &connection) | Protocol | inline |
setFloorDescription(const InputMessagePtr &msg, int x, int y, int z, int width, int height, int offset, int skip) | ProtocolGame | |
setLuaField(const std::string &key, const T &value) | LuaObject | |
setMapDescription(const InputMessagePtr &msg, int x, int y, int z, int width, int height) | ProtocolGame | |
setTileDescription(const InputMessagePtr &msg, Position position) | ProtocolGame | |
setXteaKey(uint32 a, uint32 b, uint32 c, uint32 d) | Protocol | |
shared_object() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
static_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
~LuaObject() | LuaObject | virtual |
~Protocol() | Protocol | virtual |
~shared_object() | stdext::shared_object | inlinevirtual |