This is the complete list of members for Game, including all inherited members.
acceptTrade() | Game | |
addVip(const std::string &name) | Game | |
answerModalDialog(uint32 dialog, int button, int choice) | Game | |
attack(CreaturePtr creature) | Game | |
autoWalk(std::vector< Otc::Direction > dirs) | Game | |
browseField(const Position &position) | Game | |
buyItem(const ItemPtr &item, int amount, bool ignoreCapacity, bool buyWithBackpack) | Game | |
buyStoreOffer(int offerId, int productType, const std::string &name="") | Game | |
cancelAttack() | Game | inline |
cancelAttackAndFollow() | Game | |
cancelFollow() | Game | inline |
cancelLogin() | Game | |
cancelRuleViolation() | Game | |
canPerformGameAction() | Game | |
canReportBugs() | Game | inline |
changeMapAwareRange(int xrange, int yrange) | Game | |
changeOutfit(const Outfit &outfit) | Game | |
checkBotProtection() | Game | |
close(const ContainerPtr &container) | Game | |
closeNpcChannel() | Game | |
closeNpcTrade() | Game | |
closeRuleViolation(const std::string &reporter) | Game | |
dashWalk(Otc::Direction direction) | Game | |
debugReport(const std::string &a, const std::string &b, const std::string &c, const std::string &d) | Game | |
disableBotCall() | Game | inlineprotected |
disableFeature(Otc::GameFeature feature) | Game | inline |
editList(uint id, int doorId, const std::string &text) | Game | |
editText(uint id, const std::string &text) | Game | |
editVip(int playerId, const std::string &description, int iconId, bool notifyLogin) | Game | |
enableBotCall() | Game | inlineprotected |
enableFeature(Otc::GameFeature feature) | Game | inline |
equipItem(const ItemPtr &item) | Game | |
excludeFromOwnChannel(const std::string &name) | Game | |
findEmptyContainerId() | Game | |
findItemInContainers(uint itemId, int subType) | Game | |
follow(CreaturePtr creature) | Game | |
forceLogout() | Game | |
forceWalk(Otc::Direction direction) | Game | |
formatCreatureName(const std::string &name) | Game | |
Game() | Game | |
getAttackingCreature() | Game | inline |
getCharacterName() | Game | inline |
getChaseMode() | Game | inline |
getClientVersion() | Game | inline |
getContainer(int index) | Game | inline |
getContainers() | Game | inline |
getExpertPvpMode() | Game | inline |
getFeature(Otc::GameFeature feature) | Game | inline |
getFightMode() | Game | inline |
getFollowingCreature() | Game | inline |
getGMActions() | Game | inline |
getLastWalkDir() | Game | inline |
getLocalPlayer() | Game | inline |
getOpenPvpSituations() | Game | inline |
getOs() | Game | |
getPing() | Game | inline |
getProtocolGame() | Game | inline |
getProtocolVersion() | Game | inline |
getPVPMode() | Game | inline |
getServerBeat() | Game | inline |
getUnjustifiedPoints() | Game | inline |
getVips() | Game | inline |
getWorldName() | Game | inline |
init() | Game | |
inspectNpcTrade(const ItemPtr &item) | Game | |
inspectTrade(bool counterOffer, int index) | Game | |
inviteToOwnChannel(const std::string &name) | Game | |
isAttacking() | Game | inline |
isConnectionOk() | Game | inline |
isDead() | Game | inline |
isFollowing() | Game | inline |
isGM() | Game | inline |
isLogging() | Game | inline |
isOnline() | Game | inline |
isSafeFight() | Game | inline |
joinChannel(int channelId) | Game | |
leaveChannel(int channelId) | Game | |
loginWorld(const std::string &account, const std::string &password, const std::string &worldName, const std::string &worldHost, int worldPort, const std::string &characterName, const std::string &authenticatorToken, const std::string &sessionKey) | Game | |
look(const ThingPtr &thing, bool isBattleList=false) | Game | |
Map class | Game | friend |
mount(bool mount) | Game | |
move(const ThingPtr &thing, const Position &toPos, int count) | Game | |
moveToParentContainer(const ThingPtr &thing, int count) | Game | |
open(const ItemPtr &item, const ContainerPtr &previousContainer) | Game | |
openOwnChannel() | Game | |
openParent(const ContainerPtr &container) | Game | |
openPrivateChannel(const std::string &receiver) | Game | |
openRuleViolation(const std::string &reporter) | Game | |
openStore(int serviceType=0, const std::string &category="") | Game | |
openTransactionHistory(int entriesPerPage) | Game | |
partyInvite(int creatureId) | Game | |
partyJoin(int creatureId) | Game | |
partyLeave() | Game | |
partyPassLeadership(int creatureId) | Game | |
partyRevokeInvitation(int creatureId) | Game | |
partyShareExperience(bool active) | Game | |
ping() | Game | |
processAddAutomapFlag(const Position &pos, int icon, const std::string &message) | Game | protected |
processAttackCancel(uint seq) | Game | protected |
processChannelList(const std::vector< std::tuple< int, std::string > > &channelList) | Game | protected |
processCloseChannel(int channelId) | Game | protected |
processCloseContainer(int containerId) | Game | protected |
processCloseNpcTrade() | Game | protected |
processCloseTrade() | Game | protected |
processConnectionError(const boost::system::error_code &ec) | Game | protected |
processContainerAddItem(int containerId, const ItemPtr &item, int slot) | Game | protected |
processContainerRemoveItem(int containerId, int slot, const ItemPtr &lastItem) | Game | protected |
processContainerUpdateItem(int containerId, int slot, const ItemPtr &item) | Game | protected |
processCounterTrade(const std::string &name, const std::vector< ItemPtr > &items) | Game | protected |
processDeath(int deathType, int penality) | Game | protected |
processDisconnect() | Game | protected |
processEditList(uint id, int doorId, const std::string &text) | Game | protected |
processEditText(uint id, int itemId, int maxLength, const std::string &text, const std::string &writer, const std::string &date) | Game | protected |
processEnterGame() | Game | protected |
processGameEnd() | Game | protected |
processGameStart() | Game | protected |
processGMActions(const std::vector< uint8 > &actions) | Game | protected |
processInventoryChange(int slot, const ItemPtr &item) | Game | protected |
processLogin() | Game | protected |
processLoginAdvice(const std::string &message) | Game | protected |
processLoginError(const std::string &error) | Game | protected |
processLoginToken(bool unknown) | Game | protected |
processLoginWait(const std::string &message, int time) | Game | protected |
processModalDialog(uint32 id, std::string title, std::string message, std::vector< std::tuple< int, std::string > > buttonList, int enterButton, int escapeButton, std::vector< std::tuple< int, std::string > > choiceList, bool priority) | Game | protected |
processOpenChannel(int channelId, const std::string &name) | Game | protected |
processOpenContainer(int containerId, const ItemPtr &containerItem, const std::string &name, int capacity, bool hasParent, const std::vector< ItemPtr > &items, bool isUnlocked, bool hasPages, int containerSize, int firstIndex) | Game | protected |
processOpenNpcTrade(const std::vector< std::tuple< ItemPtr, std::string, int, int, int > > &items) | Game | protected |
processOpenOutfitWindow(const Outfit ¤tOutfit, const std::vector< std::tuple< int, std::string, int > > &outfitList, const std::vector< std::tuple< int, std::string > > &mountList) | Game | protected |
processOpenOwnPrivateChannel(int channelId, const std::string &name) | Game | protected |
processOpenPrivateChannel(const std::string &name) | Game | protected |
processOwnTrade(const std::string &name, const std::vector< ItemPtr > &items) | Game | protected |
processPendingGame() | Game | protected |
processPing() | Game | protected |
processPingBack() | Game | protected |
processPlayerGoods(int money, const std::vector< std::tuple< ItemPtr, int > > &goods) | Game | protected |
processPlayerHelpers(int helpers) | Game | protected |
processPlayerModes(Otc::FightModes fightMode, Otc::ChaseModes chaseMode, bool safeMode, Otc::PVPModes pvpMode) | Game | protected |
processQuestLine(int questId, const std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, std::string > > &questMissions) | Game | protected |
processQuestLog(const std::vector< std::tuple< int, std::string, bool > > &questList) | Game | protected |
processRemoveAutomapFlag(const Position &pos, int icon, const std::string &message) | Game | protected |
processRuleViolationCancel(const std::string &name) | Game | protected |
processRuleViolationChannel(int channelId) | Game | protected |
processRuleViolationLock() | Game | protected |
processRuleViolationRemove(const std::string &name) | Game | protected |
processTalk(const std::string &name, int level, Otc::MessageMode mode, const std::string &text, int channelId, const Position &pos) | Game | protected |
processTextMessage(Otc::MessageMode mode, const std::string &text) | Game | protected |
processTutorialHint(int id) | Game | protected |
processUpdateNeeded(const std::string &signature) | Game | protected |
processVipAdd(uint id, const std::string &name, uint status, const std::string &description, int iconId, bool notifyLogin) | Game | protected |
processVipStateChange(uint id, uint status) | Game | protected |
processWalkCancel(Otc::Direction direction) | Game | protected |
ProtocolGame class | Game | friend |
refreshContainer(const ContainerPtr &container) | Game | |
rejectTrade() | Game | |
removeVip(int playerId) | Game | |
reportBug(const std::string &comment) | Game | |
reportRuleViolation(const std::string &target, int reason, int action, const std::string &comment, const std::string &statement, int statementId, bool ipBanishment) | Game | |
requestChannels() | Game | |
requestItemInfo(const ItemPtr &item, int index) | Game | |
requestOutfit() | Game | |
requestQuestLine(int questId) | Game | |
requestQuestLog() | Game | |
requestStoreOffers(const std::string &categoryName, int serviceType=0) | Game | |
requestTrade(const ItemPtr &item, const CreaturePtr &creature) | Game | |
requestTransactionHistory(int page, int entriesPerPage) | Game | |
rotate(const ThingPtr &thing) | Game | |
safeLogout() | Game | |
seekInContainer(int cid, int index) | Game | |
sellItem(const ItemPtr &item, int amount, bool ignoreEquipped) | Game | |
setCanReportBugs(bool enable) | Game | inline |
setChaseMode(Otc::ChaseModes chaseMode) | Game | |
setClientVersion(int version) | Game | |
setCustomOs(int os) | Game | inline |
setExpertPvpMode(bool enable) | Game | inline |
setFeature(Otc::GameFeature feature, bool enabled) | Game | inline |
setFightMode(Otc::FightModes fightMode) | Game | |
setOpenPvpSituations(int openPvpSituations) | Game | |
setPingDelay(int delay) | Game | inline |
setProtocolVersion(int version) | Game | |
setPVPMode(Otc::PVPModes pvpMode) | Game | |
setSafeFight(bool on) | Game | |
setServerBeat(int beat) | Game | inline |
setUnjustifiedPoints(UnjustifiedPoints unjustifiedPoints) | Game | |
stop() | Game | |
talk(const std::string &message) | Game | |
talkChannel(Otc::MessageMode mode, int channelId, const std::string &message) | Game | |
talkPrivate(Otc::MessageMode mode, const std::string &receiver, const std::string &message) | Game | |
terminate() | Game | |
transferCoins(const std::string &recipient, int amount) | Game | |
turn(Otc::Direction direction) | Game | |
use(const ThingPtr &thing) | Game | |
useInventoryItem(int itemId) | Game | |
useInventoryItemWith(int itemId, const ThingPtr &toThing) | Game | |
useWith(const ItemPtr &item, const ThingPtr &toThing) | Game | |
walk(Otc::Direction direction, bool dash=false) | Game |