This is the complete list of members for Connection, including all inherited members.
add_ref() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
asConnection() | Connection | inline |
asLuaObject() | LuaObject | inline |
callLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
callLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
close() | Connection | |
connect(const std::string &host, uint16 port, const std::function< void()> &connectCallback) | Connection | |
Connection() | Connection | |
connectLuaField(const std::string &field, const std::function< T > &f, bool pushFront=false) | LuaObject | |
const_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
dec_ref() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
dynamic_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
getClassName() | LuaObject | |
getElapsedTicksSinceLastRead() | Connection | inline |
getError() | Connection | inline |
getIp() | Connection | |
getLuaField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
getUseCount() | LuaObject | |
handleError(const boost::system::error_code &error) | Connection | protected |
hasLuaField(const std::string &field) | LuaObject | |
internal_connect(asio::ip::basic_resolver< asio::ip::tcp >::iterator endpointIterator) | Connection | protected |
internal_write() | Connection | protected |
isConnected() | Connection | inline |
isConnecting() | Connection | inline |
luaCallLuaField(const std::string &field, const T &... args) | LuaObject | |
luaGetField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
luaGetFieldsTable() | LuaObject | |
luaGetMetatable() | LuaObject | |
LuaObject() | LuaObject | |
luaSetField(const std::string &key) | LuaObject | |
m_activityTimer | Connection | protected |
m_connectCallback | Connection | protected |
m_connected | Connection | protected |
m_connecting | Connection | protected |
m_delayedWriteTimer | Connection | protected |
m_error | Connection | protected |
m_errorCallback | Connection | protected |
m_inputStream | Connection | protected |
m_outputStream | Connection | protected |
m_outputStreams | Connection | protectedstatic |
m_readTimer | Connection | protected |
m_recvCallback | Connection | protected |
m_resolver | Connection | protected |
m_socket | Connection | protected |
m_writeTimer | Connection | protected |
onCanWrite(const boost::system::error_code &error) | Connection | protected |
onConnect(const boost::system::error_code &error) | Connection | protected |
onRecv(const boost::system::error_code &error, size_t recvSize) | Connection | protected |
onResolve(const boost::system::error_code &error, asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endpointIterator) | Connection | protected |
onTimeout(const boost::system::error_code &error) | Connection | protected |
onWrite(const boost::system::error_code &error, size_t writeSize, std::shared_ptr< asio::streambuf > outputStream) | Connection | protected |
operator=(const LuaObject &) | LuaObject | inline |
poll() | Connection | static |
read(uint16 bytes, const RecvCallback &callback) | Connection | |
read_some(const RecvCallback &callback) | Connection | |
read_until(const std::string &what, const RecvCallback &callback) | Connection | |
ref_count() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
releaseLuaFieldsTable() | LuaObject | |
Server class | Connection | friend |
setErrorCallback(const ErrorCallback &errorCallback) | Connection | inline |
setLuaField(const std::string &key, const T &value) | LuaObject | |
shared_object() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
static_self_cast() | stdext::shared_object | inline |
terminate() | Connection | static |
write(uint8 *buffer, size_t size) | Connection | |
~Connection() | Connection | |
~LuaObject() | LuaObject | virtual |
~shared_object() | stdext::shared_object | inlinevirtual |